September 28, 2015

Corporate Governance - Social Interest

Miguel Casanova has published Part I of the book “Corporate Governance”. This first volume is titled “Social Interest”. What follows is the back cover of the book:

"The regulation and control of directors of Business Companies is inevitably faced with the matter of social interest. In order to assess their conduct, as well as to set clear guidelines for their performance, it becomes necessary to determine the objectives and interests on which their decisions must be inspired.

An essential area of the Law on Corporate Governance is centered in the meaning of the duty to act in the interest of the company. That is, to define social interest (objective or material aspect) and which must the process for its determination be (formal aspect). 

This book describes the main features of the legal theories on social interest that have been traditionally opposed. It provides a critical analysis on the paradigms which are in conflict and, as a result, suggests a formulation of the social interest clause that can serve as guidance for directors of companies, which at the same time respects the role of Law within the matter of Corporate Governance". 
